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Resp-Aid™ 猫用


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Hope for Tobie: Supporting Asthma in Dogs with Resp-Aid

感動的なストーリー 3 min read
Hope for Tobie: Supporting Asthma in Dogs with Resp-Aid

Can dogs have asthma? While asthma in dogs is much less common than in cats, dogs can suffer from asthma in much the same ways humans do. It’s defined as allergic disease. Asthma attacks in dogs are caused by an allergic reaction that results in airway inflammation, which causes constriction and spasming of the small airways in the lungs.

asthma is usually seen in middle-aged dogs and some young pups.

tobie the white maltese dog

When diagnosed in dogs, asthma is usually seen in middle-aged dogs and some young pups. Typically, small dogs are more likely to have asthma than large dogs.

Tobie’s Journey With Asthma

Pet parent, Harold was having a very hard time with his pooch, Tobie, going through asthma attacks often. Tobie is a 15-years old Maltese and after visiting the vet, Harold found out his pup has COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). After taking the prescribed medication (pharmaceutical), Tobie was still having horrible attacks.

We even had to make a trip to an emergency veterinarian in the middle of the night. You can imagine how terrifying it is when your beloved pet cannot breathe! Additionally, I was extremely concerned about having him on these medications, plus I was having to give him an over-the-counter antihistamine and decongestant. I prayed a lot about the situation and remembered that many years ago when I had a horrible episode of bronchitis, the only thing that helped me was an herbal combination that I took with many of the same ingredients in this product.

Harold started looking for natural ways to help Tobie, just like he did when he himself had respiratory issues in the past. He researched online for holistic ways to support Tobie’s asthma attacks and that’s when he found us.

After praying about this the next day when I was doing research online the advertisement for this product (NHV RESP-AID) popped up. I knew my prayers had been answered when I saw some of the key ingredients which were in the product that I used many years ago with such great success.

NHV Resp-Aid helps with deep coughs, bronchial congestion, bronchitis, helps ease chest, and nose congestion and helps relieve shortness of breath, and supports healthy breathing.

resp aid dog diagram

We are so happy to have received the best news from Harold:

I am more than happy to tell you that Tobie’s results were immediate. The wheezing stopped! He also has a very narrow trachea and would sometimes gas for air. Even that has almost completely diminished. He is down to one prescribed treatment per day and has only needed it one time in the last week since he’s been getting the NHV RESP-AID.

Although asthma in dogs is not common, other respiratory disorders like bronchial infection and pneumonia are. If treated properly and preventative steps are taken, respiratory conditions in dogs are easily manageable and your pet will live a long, comfortable life! Ask our NHVのペット専門家 for recommendations for asthma in dogs today!

We are happy to share our latest clinical research conducted jointly with the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Calgary on NHV Resp-Aid. Dr. Amanda Nascimento was the lead researcher.

NHV Resp-Aid: Respiratory Infection Support for Cats & Dogs



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公開日: 2020 年 4 月 15 日


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